Neighbor Group Guidelines

GOAL: Know the wellbeing of Church members, neighbors and friends

during an emergency and report anyone in distress.


Here are some examples how to organize Neighbor Groups but local

Church (Ward) Leaders can modify this as they feel appropriate.

Take care of your personal needs and those of loved ones first during an

emergency!  After you and your loved ones are safe and out of harm’s way

consider helping others.


1.   Visit the Church Website (Use a desktop or laptop computer, NOT the mobile App)

Select “” in the upper right corner, then select

“Ward Directory and Map” and log in with your User Name and Password.

The Ward Directory and a Google MAP will appear.  Zoom into the MAP

where you live and click on any of the brown dots near your home to

identify nearest Church members. 


2.   A Neighbor Group are a few households (including Church members)

who are within reasonable walking or bicycling distance of an Emergency

Radio owner.  Someone should be capable of checking on each group

member during emergencies and report to the Emergency Radio owner.


3.   There may be other ways to organize neighbors into zones or districts

but keep in mind that roads may be impassible because of closures, down

powerlines, damaged roads or traffic congestion.  Neighbor Group

members should be within walking or bicycling distance of each other. 

Why Have Neighbor Groups?


4.   Consider befriending or fellowshipping people in your Neighbor Group

and make emergency help or communication more natural and effective.

A simple and effective way to ACTIVATE your Neighbor Group is to visit

NG members and hand them an Activation Card on magnetic backing.


5.   Alternatively, a relatively inexpensive Emergency Radio* could be purchased by

anyone who wants to stay in touch with the Emergency Control Operator.

*Transmitting on an Emergency Radio is restricted to licensed operators except if life or property are in danger.

A popular Emergency Radio is the Baofeng UV-5R, UV5RA or BF-F8HP Dual Band radio. About $30.

Contact Peter Wolf for what kind of radio and accessories are best for your location.

Emergency Radio Operators practice every Wednesday and 1st Sunday of the month at 7PM.


Updated June 14, 2021

Peter Wolf, KG6LIN

Stake ERC Specialist

805 443-2200 Cell